“I am a dancer, I love to be a woman, I am human… I love to touch and be touched… on all levels of humanity. I dance with the wind, on Mother Earth, swim in the water and be raw with the fire. I am wild, my second name is Cat’s eye, I am soft, fluent, sensitive…
so let me be all what I am, me – carrying so many parts, desires, doubts…
Me, feeling, touching, receiving and giving.

My fuel is EROS, the life force, deeply embedded in my roots… my birth right… I breathe, dance and move, love, fight and live every present moment in an embodied felt sense of Self… celebrating the perfect imperfection of being human. AHO.”

Natalie is a somatic teacher, a certified somatic educator for women and a certified trauma therapist. She teaches women about menstruation cycle wisdom, misogyny and sick imprints of patriarchal spirituality. She is an activist of discovering the meaning of being human, drops down words and trusts in the wisdom of body language. She graduated with well-known teachers and is dedicated to shame and shadow work. Her approach is letting the body, the soma talk, in connection with other beings. Therapeutic dance, group work and 1:1 somatic / bodywork sessions for example are tools she works with.

Natalie is certified in different breathwork schools and dedicated to in-water rebirthing breathwork experiences. Over the years she developed her own way of breathwork facilitation and called it shamanic bioenergetic breathwork/bodywork.

Another compassion of her is “re-parenting” the being and re-setting old childhood patterns through working with the nervous system, so a big part of this is the Belly2Belly meditation practice she teaches internationally.

On a long way to herself and overcoming many childhood traumas, Natalie discovered Kambo and after countless treatments and the resulting physical and mental detoxification, she was given a new life, with a universal consciousness. Even her acquired diseases such as Lyme disease and Epstein-Barr virus were no longer detectable after Kambo.

It made her distance herself from the outdated concept of western medicine in the industrial world. The frog energy fascinated Natalie so much that it became a passion.
Natalie completed several Kambo training courses in Costa Rica, Poland and Thailand, among others, and she is part of the International Association of Kambo Practitioners (IAKP). As a certified IAKP Kambo Advanced Practitioner, she is grateful to be able to work internationally with the frog energy.

Natalie’s mission is to help as many people as possible by working with the frog. She is sure that you will discover your enthusiasm for this spiritual energy as well. The advantages of a Kambo session can be explained by her or her team in a non-binding preliminary talk.
In a personal consultation we will clarify together whether Kambo is right for you. Treatment is only given if the indications are correct and there are no contraindications.
Kambo is not a savior – not conventional medicine, not a recognized healing method according to the views of western recognized medicine. Your help is required during the Kambo session, as this is the only way to ensure a holistic approach that ultimately results in your well-being.

Amphibians were always Natalie´s passion; when she was a child, she felt in love with frogs and toads and until now they always find her wherever she goes.

A couple years ago Natalie has heard the first call to sit with Bufo so she followed. Over the years the call went louder and louder and the more she´s been working on myself the nearer and louder the medicine invited her to work with. Natalie trusted Spirit and followed the call. She worked in a feminine deep way with her teacher and the medicine in Colombia and has been initiated by the medicine itself and her teacher.

“The Spirit of Bufo is just like Kambo my medicine and I am highly dedicated, committed and connected to both of these medicines.
Combining somatic trauma work and different types of breathwork with sacred medicines for me is a basic requirement for a holistic approach to help human beings
finding their way to wholeness.”


Natalie facilitates amphibian medicines 1:1 and in little groups for many years in a non-dual embodied way of existence, and she is dedicated to lead women circle to remember the real Goddess through re-claiming, remembering and re-connecting with Mother Earth, Nature and the ancestral lines.

She offers the somatic trauma work as group experiences and 1:1.
She leads as well Belly2Belly workshops and evenings.


On the way back to himself, Wayne overcame personal traumas and behavioral patterns. Having been very ill with inflammation spreading throughout his body, Wayne visited multiple doctors and inflammation specialists, but nobody could determine what was happening within his body and could only recommend medications like steroid injections for the rest of his life as they couldn’t diagnose properly what was happening.

Wayne wasn’t accepting of this and kept looking for answers, this is when he discovered Kambo and after countless treatments and healing his own health physically and mentally, he was now given a new life with a total different awareness of his reality.

It made being in deep awe and love for the frog energy so that it became a passion.
Wayne has completed his Kambo training and is part of the International Association of Kambo Practitioners (IAKP). As a certified IAKP Kambo Practitioner, he is grateful to be able to work internationally with the frog energy and hold space for people as they begin their journey with Kambo.

Wayne’s mission is to help as many people as possible by working with the frog.
He is highly dedicated being on service with helping other humans on their own unique way to wholeness.

He is working mainly in Cork, Ireland.

Wayne offers session mainly in Irland but as well in our center in Costa Rica and Germany.